Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sleeping Bunnies

Sleep is Good.
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Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Newbie

It's a she! Everyone give a warm welcome to Thora Helen Thomson, the newest human person of my acquaintance. So far all is well, despite being several weeks ahead of the curve. Will post more info as situation unfolds. Huzzah!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Miz V Goes To The Movies

This afternoon Miz V and L took to the cinema to enjoy airconditioned splendor and the documentary "Babies". The subject seemed topical. It's a Movies for Mommies matinee, so in addition to the film we are surrounded by about forty actual babies for comparison. Film will start shortly, but Miz V has already declared both the giant popcorn and the booster seat to be AWESOME.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Pocket full of rocks

Out for a walk in the woods at the Bruce Mill Conservation Area, Miz V discovers that pockets can be a useful aid in carrying more rocks around the forest. We'll review the "pack light" rules of hiking later.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Food Preparation

In this Father's Day instruction video, Miz V demonstrates the correct way to butcher Cheerios with a plastic knife.

Friday, June 18, 2010

A Pug's Breakfast

This morning Miz V decided breakfast should be served on the kitchen floor so she could enjoy a light repast with her friend and colleague Patty the Pug. The morning discussion session focused on the niceness of Patty's orange hat, the purpleness of Miz V's dress, and the prospect of a splendid morning at the playgroup.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Chase and Run

Running is better with company.

Around Tom's Garden

Tom's garden features a beautiful round flower bed, home to many daisies, bumblebees and lurking kitty cats. Miz V uses it as her personal grass track, and the squeals of elation can be heard all over the neighbourhood.


The best thing you can do is move. And for Miz V, the best way to move is as fast as possible, preferably through someplace outdoors and green. It's even better if her Dad's there to join in the mayhem.

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