Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty

While the gals were away, M got all sorts of things done around the house - including hanging the Grandmas birthday gift to Miz V.

This stained glass panel features the Japanese kanji characters shin jitsu - the closest translation for Verity.

I will let the beauty of the image speak for itself. Clearly, this is an instant heirloom.
Thank you again, Grandmas D and L, for this remarkable, generous gift. It is hanging in the dining room window (currently flanked by the summer blackout shutters, but in the fall will stand alone) and Miz V likes looking at in and making dolphin noises. I interpret them as approval.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

If 'Shin Jitsu' translates to sincere honesty, then I expect 'Jiu Jitsu' translates to a a sincere ass-kicking.


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