Friday, September 5, 2008

Geeky September Song

Greetings V-fans!

Summer does not linger long, and we are now into the "roll up your sleeves and get back to work" spirit of September. Done is the mad dash travels and lazy cottage days - it's time to get down the the serious business of turning five months old next week. With age comes wisdom and responsibility, so I thought we should take a few moments to detail the new features being launched with Miz V 5.0...and to be as geeky as possible, I shall name them as D&D character traits (without numeric values, as I can't find my dice).

First, Physical Abilities:

Strength: Big leaps forward here - recent accomplishments include: holding up her own head, pushing up her upper body when lying on her stomach, pulling L's hair very hard until she yelled a bad word, pulling on fingers to sit up, and kicking a very heavy cookbook off the counter.

Dexterity: This area shows the greatest advancements and promises big things in the coming months. Notable achievements include: grabbing things with one hand, transferring objects from one hand to another, balancing on two feet with adult support, putting things directly in her mouth without passing Go or collecting $200 (she prefers her fingers to soothers, so she seems to have made hand/eye coordination something of a developmental priority), balancing in a seated position with adult support, actual jumping in the Jolly Jumper, attempting to use the front of the adult holding her as a rockwall for experiments in unharnessed climbing.

Constitution: Praise whoever, she's still very healthy and strong. She is teething with a vengeance though...nothing broken through, but it's clearly no fun to have bones trying to cut soft tissue. She chews on a lot of books and blankets. She's enjoying sleep early and often, much to our delight, and eats her fill frequently. Solid food introduction is just around the corner...

And Mental Traits:

Intelligence: She's a pretty thoughtful little gremlin. Time will tell the quality and calibre of those thoughts, but she is very alert and interested in everything going on around her. She does not brook boredom, however, and feels that at her advanced age she has already learned everything she possibly can from car rides, and therefore demands more rigorous intellectual stimulation. At the top of her lungs. Robust, little lungs.

Charisma: Strangers everywhere come up to her and declare her adorable. Some people actually thought she was a doll (which makes me look like a crazy lady who pushes around dolls in strollers, but I digress). She's quite good tempered, still likes meeting people, and is generous with her smiles. She does do grumpy very well too, especially in the afternoons, but overall she's pretty cool.

Wisdom: We're waiting on her words of wisdom, but she's working towards a communication system. She has mastered Dolphin squeaks and has progressed to call and echo raspberry conversations. Also new this fall - consonant and vowel sounds (voluntary and involuntary) such as Doo and Gah!

Based on this, she's probably a Mage or a Thief. We'll wait til she can consult a manual herself to declare a major like that.

As for Alignment, the jury's still out. But my money's on Chaotic Neutral - she'll keep you guessing til the end.


Anonymous said...

You have taken child rearing to new levels of dorkdom Laura.

I must heartily apporve but I caution you now. Do not be alarmed if you hear her utter the phrase, "That's my crazy mom, just ignore her." sometime in the teen years.

Laura Roald said...

I am aimimg for "superweird" by the time she hits preschool.

Unknown said...

I wish you were my mum ... sigh

Anonymous said...

Noted artifacts include +1 Onesie of Cuteness.


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