For the first time since leaving the hospital, Verity had her first immersion bath!
Part of looking for hand-friendly solutions, we decided to try a basin style baby bath. I think it was Catherine who pointed out the uncanny resemblance to a salad bowl. True dat!
Fortunately, she enjoyed the experience far more than anticipated - apparently the hype on the "babies love it" attached to this tub ain't all spin...

So, baths = good. Huzzah!
Yummmy, pickled baby from a jar... I bet she is as yummy as she looks. Such a sweet heart...
Missing you guys!
You need to blow that picture up to poster sized for her high school graduation.
Jim, you are pure evil. I love it!
I can't allow you to embarass poor little Veri like that!
At least not until her wedding day!!!
And for the record...I will take two of the salads that come with *THAT* garnish!!!
Glad the bowl thingie is working and that she is down with the personal hygiene!
MUAHs from the Wet Coast
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