Monday, June 30, 2008

Chillin' in my crib

Miz V relaxing and admiring her quilt. She's very into zebras this week.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Rockstar Name

Your Rockstar Name Is...

Bunny Vicious

Verity and the Whale

This is the best video I've been able to capture of Miz V's flirtation with a big blue whale. Apologies for the resolution.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

My DJ Name

Verity Glen Thomson spins tunes as
DJ Deep Bubbles

Get your dj name @ Quiz Meme

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Reading at the Library

A rainy afternoon is a great time to go check out the newly refurbished local library - now featuring a huge kids section, almost the whole basement, and includes a baby/toddler reading room. And so, today Miz V took out her first library books, after choosing the ones she thought looked interesting. Above video is her reaction to a board book full of baby eye candy (other baby faces).

Baby's First Boat Ride

Last weekend we went out to Toronto Island and RCYC to have dinner with Matt, who was crewing in a regatta. This shot is the two of them playing on deck.

Sit down!

Miz V is growing like a wildflower, and starting to hold her neck up. This is her new bumbo seat - an odd dense foam contraption from South Africa designed to allow infants to sit upright with ergonomic support. V's sitting in it for a few minutes a day to help strenghen her neck.

Plus, she looks pretty funny in it. Amusement for all!

Giggle and Sneeze

a happy morning hangout, captured on my old camera with low res. Still, giggles and sneeze - nice to see happy bebe...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Blogthing - What does my birthdate reveal?

Your Birthdate: April 13

You're dominant and powerful. You always need to be in charge.

While others respect your competence, you can be a bit of a dictator.

Hard working and serious, you never let yourself down.

You are exact and accurate - and you expect others to be the same way.

Your strength: You always get the job done

Your weakness: You're a perfectionist to a fault

Your power color: Gray

Your power symbol: Checkmark

Your power month: April

Monday, June 9, 2008

Bopping Around the Big Smoke

The past few days we've been fighting the heat and humidity pounding the pavement to check out some of the TO sites of scenic interest.

This usually means Miz V gets strapped into the portable baby prison, much to her chagrin.

We spent K's b-day touring the lovely Casa Loma - surprisingly interesting place, amazing wood panels.

K took V out for her first geocache trip, and the stroller proved a useful surface for recording the find in the cache log.

Today we beat the heat by tootling through the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum) which is currently hosting a very interesting exhibit on Darwin. We spent the afternoon indoctrinating the gremlin on her monkey heritage.

Here we used the oddest shoulder height change table. Look how high it is set in the wall, and how it dwarfs Miz V.

To further mess with your sense of scale, here's the ninja babe chilling with a Galapagos tortoise. How big is she, anyway????

Saturday, June 7, 2008

She Shoots, She Scores!

No need to worry that Miz V will be unfairly influenced by our natural inclination towards rarely televised sporting events- Auntie K is ready to pick up our slack! This morning we visited the Hockey Hall of Fame, and while V dozed through much of it, she did touch Lord Stanley's Cup (there are 3 cups, the original which is kept in a temperature controlled room, the official league cup which is on permanent display in Toronto - see above - and the presentation cup which is currently serving jello shots in Detroit.)

To tell the truth, V was more impressed with the high quality halogen lights which illuminate the various hockey treasures than with Paul Henderson's jersey from the Summit Series, but K insists this is a good start. She should have perfected her slapshot by August, tops.

Thursday, June 5, 2008



Roald Road trip to Niagara! And we brought cameras!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Auntie Kenna Arrives

K arrived today to meet the little V, and the two hit it off immediately. Apparently, we've grown stale, so a new and fresh face has tremendous appeal for the cute little gremlin.

There were plenty of hugs as V enjoyed a third set of shoulders to drool on. Clearly, these two are going to be very good friends.

We spent K's first afternoon in the Big Smoke flying a kite down at the beach, and a walk along the boardwalk. K was remarkably capable at getting the kite off the ground.

Miz V loved the show, what with her improving eyesight, and had a great time hanging in the park. Also good: open-air diaper changing...very refreshing!

And they rounded off the afternoon with a classic game of "Why are you hitting yourself?" Good times...

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