The past few days we've been fighting the heat and humidity pounding the pavement to check out some of the TO sites of scenic interest.
This usually means Miz V gets strapped into the portable baby prison, much to her chagrin.
We spent K's b-day touring the lovely Casa Loma - surprisingly interesting place, amazing wood panels.

K took V out for her first geocache trip, and the stroller proved a useful surface for recording the find in the cache log.

Today we beat the heat by tootling through the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum) which is currently hosting a very interesting exhibit on Darwin. We spent the afternoon indoctrinating the gremlin on her monkey heritage.
Here we used the oddest shoulder height change table. Look how high it is set in the wall, and how it dwarfs Miz V.

To further mess with your sense of scale, here's the ninja babe chilling with a Galapagos tortoise. How big is she, anyway????
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