Doyle has discovered the Cheerios are in fact food stuffs, and Miz V shows her generous spirit.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Dashing Through the Snow (or, Her Chariot Awaits)
Okay, so now we have one baby and three baby conveyors. The big stroller, the Uno for the carseat and for heading out around the hood, the Maclaren for travel and the car, and now...The Chariot Cougar 1. This is a very high design CTS (child transport system, can you believe that!) tha has many nifty possible attachments. It transforms into a jogging/running stroller, a bike trailer, a conventional (albeit boxy) stroller and - yes, the primary reason we had to have it - a SKI TRAILER. M had the opportunity to rent a similar trailer while we were in WHistler, and both he and Miz V loved the experience. So, one presumed tax return later, we now have a supercharged CTS with suspension. Miz V does really enjoy it, mostly because
it means she gets to be outside having fun.
This weekend we took it out for an 8km jaunt around Hardwood Hills near Barrie, and both the weather and the exercise were terrific. I just wish I had a skiing rickshaw to ride in too, especially for the last 3 km...
Hurry Hard!
To celebrate the Family Day holiday, L & M booked some ice at the curling club so M could try his hand at this noble sport. V came along for the ride, as she always does, and she did us the solid favour of watching quietly for an hour and then napping for an hour, giving us time to enjoy several ends of practice. Yay for sleeping bebe!
Radio Silence Broken!
Hello V fans
There's been a bigger lag than usual since the last blog update, and it can be attributed to three factors:
- We went to China and Vancouver. And it's wa-ay harder to adjust to time zones when you still don't even know what time is, beyond the general natural diurnal clocks and biorhythms. So the early part of January was swallowed whole in a day-is-night kinda haze.
- January is dark and dismalish, and we were grumpy
- L started serious work on the show for Alumnae Theatre and suddenly had no time to brag or comment on V's adventures.
But we're back, baby! I am renewing my commitment to share the fun bits. Here's the plot updates, for those who follow along at home...
- V now crawls. In a funky skitter sort of way, but the point is she can move across the floor with alarming speed and accuracy.
- As a result, we're upping security measures, and trying to reconcile the fact we can no longer live in a deathtrap. Rats!
- V also can pull up to a standing position on furniture, and really likes standing up. So much for our dream of a lizard bebe....
- She's eating more and more solid food every day. Eventually, she'll just join us for dim sum like a civilized person.
- She's still very much into her books and she enjoys small toys she can manipulate.
- She's still in a weird "My Ma!" phase that required a lot of patience, both for L and other people who would like to enjoy her company.
- She's loving hanging out with her papa in the evenings when L's off rehearsing - good news!
- She still loves the outdoors and being included in grown-up outings.
- My hands have made a full recovery, just in time for her to run amok around the house. Thank whatever goodness you like, don't know how we'd have managed otherwise.
- Words Spoken (regularly enough to be counted as words and not accidental sounds): cat, kittycat, baby, dada, dog, duck (though duck seems to be a generic reference to whatever point she's trying to argue)
That's about the size of it! More updates to come!
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