Okay, so now we have one baby and three baby conveyors. The big stroller, the Uno for the carseat and for heading out around the hood, the Maclaren for travel and the car, and now...The Chariot Cougar 1. This is a very high design CTS (child transport system, can you believe that!) tha has many nifty possible attachments. It transforms into a jogging/running stroller, a bike trailer, a conventional (albeit boxy) stroller and - yes, the primary reason we had to have it - a SKI TRAILER. M had the opportunity to rent a similar trailer while we were in WHistler, and both he and Miz V loved the experience. So, one presumed tax return later, we now have a supercharged CTS with suspension. Miz V does really enjoy it, mostly because
it means she gets to be outside having fun.
This weekend we took it out for an 8km jaunt around Hardwood Hills near Barrie, and both the weather and the exercise were terrific. I just wish I had a skiing rickshaw to ride in too, especially for the last 3 km...
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