Thursday, May 7, 2009

Skinny Minnie

New Stats, for those who play along at home:

Height: 75 cm, (29.5 inches) - this places her between 50 - 60th percentile for her age.

Weight: 9.16 kilos (20.194 lbs) - this places her between 30 and 40 percentile for her age.

Head circumferance: 47 cm (18.5 inches) this places her at the 95 percentile for her age.

So what does this mean? Well, first it means we're not endangering her by not having purchased her new car seat yet - we have half an inch and two pounds before she officially outgrows it. That said, we'll get it soon.

She's on the tall side, but not by much. And she is little, weight-wise. Nothing to worry about, she is a very active kidlet and so this dip is normal for a 1 year old.

And she has a giant, giant head. BRAINS!!!

All in all, she's healthy, happy and wily. Sounds about right.



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