Friday, December 17, 2010

Bah, Humbug.

Merry Xmas to all, and to all an Excedrin night.
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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hello? Is this thing on?

Hello? Is this thing on?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


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Saturday, September 11, 2010


Saturday, August 28, 2010

On Top of Blackcomb

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pirate Bebe

Argh, matey!

More peeks

Family Monkey Dance

Now everyone can get in on the Monkey Dance action! Grab a doll and play along at home!

Friday, July 2, 2010

A Few Peeks at T

The Baby Thora Song

Miz V has developed her very own lullaby for the newbie. She won't believe she was ever this adorable when she's sixteen.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sleeping Bunnies

Sleep is Good.
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Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Newbie

It's a she! Everyone give a warm welcome to Thora Helen Thomson, the newest human person of my acquaintance. So far all is well, despite being several weeks ahead of the curve. Will post more info as situation unfolds. Huzzah!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Miz V Goes To The Movies

This afternoon Miz V and L took to the cinema to enjoy airconditioned splendor and the documentary "Babies". The subject seemed topical. It's a Movies for Mommies matinee, so in addition to the film we are surrounded by about forty actual babies for comparison. Film will start shortly, but Miz V has already declared both the giant popcorn and the booster seat to be AWESOME.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Pocket full of rocks

Out for a walk in the woods at the Bruce Mill Conservation Area, Miz V discovers that pockets can be a useful aid in carrying more rocks around the forest. We'll review the "pack light" rules of hiking later.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Food Preparation

In this Father's Day instruction video, Miz V demonstrates the correct way to butcher Cheerios with a plastic knife.

Friday, June 18, 2010

A Pug's Breakfast

This morning Miz V decided breakfast should be served on the kitchen floor so she could enjoy a light repast with her friend and colleague Patty the Pug. The morning discussion session focused on the niceness of Patty's orange hat, the purpleness of Miz V's dress, and the prospect of a splendid morning at the playgroup.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Chase and Run

Running is better with company.

Around Tom's Garden

Tom's garden features a beautiful round flower bed, home to many daisies, bumblebees and lurking kitty cats. Miz V uses it as her personal grass track, and the squeals of elation can be heard all over the neighbourhood.


The best thing you can do is move. And for Miz V, the best way to move is as fast as possible, preferably through someplace outdoors and green. It's even better if her Dad's there to join in the mayhem.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Countdown to Splashdown

We were at the corner park this morning when the parks worker came around to test the water park for the summer. Guess what? It works. And Miz V had the honour of being the first kidlet to get soaked in 2010. Um...yay.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Outdoor Napping

It's like camping, only without all the going away from home and staying out all night nonsense...Miz V enjoys her first outside nap of the summer, courtesy of a beautiful Sunday afternoon and the intrepid peapod tent.

Park park park

Our local kid park is a repository for discarded outdoor toys, a fact that keeps Miz V supplied with a near constant supply of new-to-her plastic rides. She could work on her manners though. Sharing is for suckers and three-year-olds apparently. On the plus side, the older boys were wicked impressed with her Vans. Not many 2 year olds get called "cool" by 11 year old boys.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Future Carpet Hockey Championship

The neighborhood garage sale went quite smoothly, and a few white elephants stomped off to new and more appreciative homes. As always happens at such group basement purges, we acquired some new toys - most exciting among them a collection of little person hockey sticks. Miz V has already begun training for her next match versus the league leading Davies grandkids...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Jump & Play

Miz V loves her active play class - and looks spiffy in her new sweater from Grandma D!

Friday, May 7, 2010


With the recent mobile device fail, I am trying to get this working once again

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Park Life

Hat Day

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With the Olympic Plague (hacking wheezing ear-infecting terrible cold) there wasn't as much time to enjoy the weather and get out walking, but we did manage a jaunt around the Spirea Trail with Grandma D and Mac. Here's some pics:

We got to three curling matches, including the men's tiebreaker (Great Britain/Sweden) and the women's goldmedal - I mean, silver medal - game. Miz V enjoyed hanging out with Grandma D for two of the games, but came along for the fun of the tiebreaker. It was remarkable to be in such a raucous crowd at a curling game - doing the wave, ringing cowbells - at times it felt more like a football game (but in a good way). Below is a blurry snapshot of an avid fan - yes, he IS painted red and wearing Canadian flag y-front underpants.
And here are some pics of us at the curling venue. Note the festive green rings!

Plenty of Fish

In our Olympic down time, we had a nice detour to the Aquarium, where fish were admired, and in some cases, groped. Slideshow has some highlights

V-Dawg has a Brand New Bed

Sometime this year, the crib (used by all the Thomson grandchildren) will be handed down yet again to another bebe Thomson, and so Miz V gets to move into some plush new night digs.
Here's a slideshow of V demonstrating the exciting features of this particular bed.

Olympic Peekaboo with Uncle T!

Miz V and Uncle T ventured up the mountain to partake of the men's 50K x-country marathon (the traditional last event of the Winter Games). A fun spectating time was had by all, especially when it came to the hot new game of patriotic peekaboo

Hot Chocolate is Heavenly

Another first at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics - Miz V got to share some of L's hot chocolate.

As you can see, the experience was somewhat transformative.

Travel Style

This trip west marks the last time Miz V will be able to fly without forking over serious cash, so it seems only fitting that she was able to enjoy it the the luxury Air Canada executive suites. Due to a points program fluke, the seats in executive were less points than the regular seats...and no complaints here, as Miz V is getting to be quite the little lady, and L's lap is quickly disappearing with the onset of bebe bump. On the trip out, Miz V indulged in a little egg play...

And she was so tuckered out by the whirlwind of activities and events that she collapsed and took advantage of the reclining seat to stretch out and get some serious sack time.

The Countdown

We really were there! In fact, we were able to see the countdown clock before the whole big show began!

AND....we're back!

We've been off having adventures and colds, but there are plenty of updates in the pipeline, so bear with me as I queue them up for posting. In the time that has passed, we've been to Vancouver to visit and to see the Olympics, so there's stuff to see. So, on with the show.

Above, Miz V helps M attach a flag to a hockey stick. Because that's what you do, when you go to see the Olympic games

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tutu Strut

Miz V starts Twinkle Toes kidlet ballet at the community centre, and I was unable to stomach the princess themed dancewear available at the megadiscount department store, so I got her a black, blue and silver exercise leotard from the sale rack. At the first class meeting it became clear a tutu was the must-have accessory for all the under-three set. Erm. Soooo, after looking around and not seeing a suitable get-up at a suitable price point, I hit the Fabricland sale day and pulled together a silver and blue tutu. Turned out okay, and only took an hour or so to put together. Next time I will have refined the pattern a bit, but in the meantime Miz V seems very pleased with her puffy little skirt. Huzzah!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Miz V feels the need for speed. What can you do?

First Ski!

Miz V takes to the snow!


Despite the icebox temperatures, the day was perfect to get out and play with some outdoor toys, like the red sled. Miz V enjoys a leisurely spin around the garden, but does prefer the more kamikaze run of the chariot push (see above post)

Pole Technique

Miz V got her first pair of skis for xmas, and immediate began training in her pole techniques, especially in the tight corners of Grandma L's kitchen.

Unwrapping is Boring

Miz V showed a remarkable reluctance to open her gifts, even when forced. But, she does enjoy a nice gift, once she can see what it is and isn't expected to remove paper from it.

Boogie Machine

Grandma D sent Miz V her first portable Mp3 player for xmas, and it was an immediate hit. Here's a short clip of her getting down to Beyonce...(I know, there's no accounting for kidlet tastes)

Beater Licking Good!

Okay - apologies all around for the lengthy radio silence, blog-wise. The holiday season kidnapped my ability to use the internet like a big girl. But I will make up for it today with V-A-PALOOZA! Update after update, all starting with this video gem from mid-December, making sugar cookies. Bear in mind, this is a kidlet who doesn't get much processed sugar...


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