Miz V starts Twinkle Toes kidlet ballet at the community centre, and I was unable to stomach the princess themed dancewear available at the megadiscount department store, so I got her a black, blue and silver exercise leotard from the sale rack. At the first class meeting it became clear a tutu was the must-have accessory for all the under-three set. Erm. Soooo, after looking around and not seeing a suitable get-up at a suitable price point, I hit the Fabricland sale day and pulled together a silver and blue tutu. Turned out okay, and only took an hour or so to put together. Next time I will have refined the pattern a bit, but in the meantime Miz V seems very pleased with her puffy little skirt. Huzzah!

Black socks??!! Makes the ensemble if you ask me. BTW - Love the big Daddy smile :))
OMG best pic ever...that man is in love with a wicked ballerina
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