the project mayhem chronicles
Despite the icebox temperatures, the day was perfect to get out and play with some outdoor toys, like the red sled. Miz V enjoys a leisurely spin around the garden, but does prefer the more kamikaze run of the chariot push (see above post)
Miz V got her first pair of skis for xmas, and immediate began training in her pole techniques, especially in the tight corners of Grandma L's kitchen.
Miz V showed a remarkable reluctance to open her gifts, even when forced. But, she does enjoy a nice gift, once she can see what it is and isn't expected to remove paper from it.
Grandma D sent Miz V her first portable Mp3 player for xmas, and it was an immediate hit. Here's a short clip of her getting down to Beyonce...(I know, there's no accounting for kidlet tastes)
Okay - apologies all around for the lengthy radio silence, blog-wise. The holiday season kidnapped my ability to use the internet like a big girl. But I will make up for it today with V-A-PALOOZA! Update after update, all starting with this video gem from mid-December, making sugar cookies. Bear in mind, this is a kidlet who doesn't get much processed sugar...
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