As Miz V settles into her third month on planet Earth, she has enough neck control to sit up for measurable periods of time. This is excellent news, not simply from a development standpoint, but also from the child-conveyance-device perspective.
That is to say, she can now fit into a lightweight stroller.
It's umbrella time! While her apple green convertible pram is still the bees knees as far as we're concerned, it is a bit broad in the beam. Wide. Spacious. Roomy. It is awesome for big outings, but would make serious enemies on public transit. So, let's explore options...Which lightweight stroller should she fit into? Which would fit our budgets? Which would Laura be able to push without unleashing a string of expletives at her darn thumbs? There was much debate and research around the realm, with many websites scoured and product reviews scrutinized...
We spent the morning running the gauntlet of stroller showrooms. Miz V was very patient about being plunked into seat after seat like a sack of flour, poked and prodded by one 5 point harness after another. In the end, her favourite was the same as mine: the Maclaren Quest Mod.

I like it because it corners like a Porshe on rails, and I can collapse it with one hand. This was the only two handled stroller that I could steer without twinges of pain. It also feels very sturdy - the knock-offs we checked out seemed ready to disintegrate in a slight breeze. But it's quite light - around 12 pounds. It should work for the next three years easy.
Miz V likes it because it goes fast. The girl has a need for speed, my friends.
Shaking my head, I refuse to tell you what I paid - suffice to say that since it was the 2007 model, the inflated retail price had been reduced by $95...but on the bright yuppie side Miz V at last has her British brolly stroller and can hold her head high among the Bugaboo set...cross your fingers the other 3 month olds don't taunt her for having last year's graphic print...(please note the previous comments are extremely sarcastic and should be read in a heavily ironic tone.)
More places to go!