So this week we've accelerated the process of introducing bottle feeds. The pump is my new constant companion. And V has rejected bottle after bottle. Loudly and with extreme prejudice. What to do? To the internet!
And a few googles later, I decided to swallow my sticker shock and try this:

No, it's not a condom.
What this is, in fact, is an Adiri Natural Nurser Ultimate Baby Bottle. According to the website,
The Natural Nurser Ultimate Baby Bottle is made from high quality 100% polycarbonate-free and bisphenol-a free materials that is warm to a child’s cheek, like a breast, when filled with warm milk. A patented nipple design helps alleviate nipple confusion for breastfeeding babies. Shaped like a breast, they encourage the same type of open-mouthed latching that is required for breastfeeding, making bottle feeding and breastfeeding more easily interchangeable.
Shaped like a breast? Warm to the cheek? Wacky! Turns out Miz V is very much her father's daughter when it comes to firm preference for the well designed and executed . I.D. (International Design) magazine chose this bottle as one of their Design Review winners for 2008, right alongside the iPhone in the Consumer Products category. And while the price is high, we haven't much storage space anyhow, so having one or two bottles in use is infinitely preferable to a kitchen full of bottles and gadgets that make her howl.
She doesn't love it, but more important - she doesn't hate it. And it does seem comforting.

It was funny, this evening she let Matt give her the bottle, but she kept her eyes locked on me as if checking to see that it was okay to eat without me.
So, more options! I just think it's funny she refused all traditional bottles and settle for this odd new device. We have an early adopter on out hands...
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