Wednesday, July 2, 2008

V meets the Mango

Matt's buddy Michal and his family came over last weekend for bbq and to hang out. Michal commutes downtown in a Mango velomobile. He brought it by as he's sold advertising for the sides and was applying decals. Matt decided to let V sit at the wheel and start getting a feel for the type of vehicle she has to look forward to when she grows up, given the direction of fuel costs.

V loved it! She sat in it for over twenty minutes, kicking and gurgling and looking around. The narrow recumbent seat was at the same angle as her blue bouncy chair, so she just kept kicking and jiggling.
Doyle was less enthusiastic, and would prefer the Mango not occupy his driveway.

This video shows the Mango and the Kapral family working on the decals. Featured are Michal, his wife Dianne, their older girl Annika and younger girl Lauren. And seated at the controls - Miz V. Note that she has almost kicked off the purple socks Grandma Donna made her


Anonymous said...

Man, those contraptions terrify me. You're scooting along down there at wheel level, just waiting for an 18 wheeler or Hummer to run you right over.


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