A few days ago my FB status indicated that I wanted a magic eight ball. I was feeling kind of frustrated not knowing stuff - like how my hands were doing, what kind of bebe was using my lungs for resistance training, and all the other million things I don't know about the future (when will I get my flying car?).
Anyway, SJF jumped to action and mailed me not one but TWO Magic 8 Balls - a regular once for daily questions, and a High School Musical one for career-related inquiries. NARF!
To provide adequate padding, the care pack was rounded out with an astonishing variety of Pocky products...including the highly mysterious Pocky green tea mousse, the very elaborate Dessert Pocky, and the inexplicable Pocky Milk. Wacky!
And to top it off, a package of extremely
disturbing lemon bubble gum that comes with a plastic identity card with photoshopped pictures of cats doing strange things. I think I will put in into the bebe's memory book with no explanation whatsoever so when the kid is twelve s/he will be able to point to that as proof positive that s/he's being raised by lunatics.
Thanks so much Miles! You made my week!
You are not spoiled in the least. You asked the universe for treats and the universe lit up the shopping signal...hi ho away!!
Sorry it took so long to get to you, wanted it to get to you for Monday but Purolator is LAME!!
Enjoy your Pocky and let me know which ones you liked so when you need more I will know which ones to send!
I love you and miss you loads!
Be well in Pocky!!
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