I awoke this morning to the strangest situation yet.
Around 6 AM, I felt a weird jumping in the belly. Not just kicking or clawing, a jumping. I opened my eyes to see Doyle, the intrepid black cat, standing on top of my belly and stalking the little ripples and kicks that the very active little person was inflicting on the top of the belly. The kicks are now big enough to be visible through my clothes. Doyle must have noticed the squirming, and took it for an exciting hunting opportunity. As the bebe practiced high kicks, Doyle pounced and kneaded. This went on for about five minutes, as I wasn't very awake and kind of surprised so I didn't really want to move. When I finally rolled out of bed and shooed Doyle off, he was quite annoyed that I had ruined the game.
Doyle's been trying to get my belly to mush down to a more comfortable catbed for a few months now, but this was different - he was clearly in stalking mode and believed there were belly mice to be mined in them thar pyjamas.
Wait till he gets a load of the real thing.
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