Today I went to Babies "R" Us (shudder - the precious "R" gives me hives) and filled out a registry.
Don't get me wrong - I know and accept that bebes require stuff with which to clothe, bathe, transport, feed, store and amuse them. I am also very grateful when people are generous and want to share their generosity with the spawn currently using my guts as a mosh pit. I just have always felt odd about the registry process, I had the same reaction to the wedding registry. It feels like getting all your family together and reading them your Christmas wish list in a loud obnoxious voice. That said, I know there are good and practical reasons for having a shopping guide available.
There is also furniture and a bunch of random stuff we're getting from Ikea, which has no registry, so Ikea gift cards are also welcome.
PLEASE, DO NOT THINK THIS IS A SOLICITATION FOR STUFF. I am not asking for stuff, I am letting people know what I am planning to get.
I've been asked a lot about what colours we're using. I can now tell you the stroller we're coveting is green and grey (see picture). I prefer solid colours, especially in jewel tones (the darker the better) for clothes and other things. Remember, I am that freak friend of yours who thinks babies in black are absolutely adorable. I really don't like pastel colours. Unisex styles are better. Please, no princess stuff - if the spawn is female, I want to wait for the inevitable pop culture indoctrination to take root before I have to deal with Disney-promoted narcissism. On the other hand, if there is a skull on it, I will giggle with glee. Also , inappropriate t-shirt slogans and leftist political screeds always earn applause (everyone has their something...). Toys: great! Preferences: wooden and sturdy, soft/plush, minimal plastic, stuff that has no batteries, lights or canned music, no small parts (obviously) and prefer no "character" stuff. Watching all the recalls this past year, I'd really rather have a smaller amount of quality toys than many things I have to keep checking out on online recall lists.
Hand-me-downs are also very welcome - bebe will be learning the joy of thrift shopping at the knee of an expert, secondhands are terrific.
Enough materialist ranting!
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