Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Shall we blog?

Hi folks!

As Project Mayhem (aka Operation Offspring) nears the approximate launch date, I am toying around with different ways I would be able to keep the family and friends at a distance informed of events as they unfold.

Translation: most of my family and many of my good friends live very far away, and I modestly believe some people may want to know how things (and people) are getting along.

I am sure that some material will go up on FB, but I will likely limit the photos and other details that go up there, since despite all the earnest protestation posting on FB is a public event. I would like to be able to keep the good folks up on little person developments without boring my colleagues and acquaintances. I suspect Skype will also be a vehicle for person-to-person sharing, but I have been thinking that at clearinghouse like this might be a handy vehicle.

Another advantage of bloggin' this stuff is that people can check in when they want, without me turning into a mass mailing maniac. If I can put up pics, video and VITAL anecdotes here, you can choose when and what you care to look at.

This is a test run...I won't publicize until I decide what will work best for us. Cheers.


Unknown said...

I love the wallpaper and think I want it in any home I might someday own!

This is a great idea and a super efficient way to keep those of us who are farther away in the know!!

LOVE it!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere, Laura... HOPE YOU SURVIVE THE EXPERIENCE!


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